Thursday, June 11, 2009

Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyways

I am trying to develop this habit of decreasing the length of the posts and posting more regularly. I am not sure how succesful I will be, anyway here is one for starters.

"Take your life into your own hands. Then what happens? A terrible thing: No one to blame"

This is a quote I came across today when I was surfing the net. No, I do have 'substantial' work for my internship, in case you are wondering about that. I thought I should post it here.
We come across so many quotes asking us to take control of our life, otherwise it will take us according to some other's will. The worst part, according to me is definitely that there is no one else to blame. And its not such a welcoming thought, especially when things start to go in the wrong direction. But i guess there is a special feeling to know that atleast you chose it for yourself and that you are living your own life and no one else is doing it.

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